
Mental Health Initiatives


Prioritising Mental Health

We support employers to take a proactive approach towards mental health that not only creates a support system for those experiencing poor mental health, but also actively promotes good mental wellbeing in the workplace through, for example, self-care, good emotional intelligence and effective management of stress. 

We are committed to working with organisations to create greater parity between mental and physical health and to reduce stigma, prejudice and discrimination.

Our approach to mental health in the workplace is three fold:

1. To promote thriving and flourishing in the workplace, taking active steps to not only stay well but also to learn and grow.

2. To tackle the roots of distress in the workplace and to develop good working practices and a holistic approach to wellbeing.

3. To understand, recognise and provide support for employees experiencing distress and illness.

What we can provide: 

  • Development and implementation of a mental health strategy and framework that is tailored to your organisation, people and culture.
  • Education for your employees to support thriving and flourishing. This includes a holistic approach to wellbeing (good wellbeing practices such as sleep, nutrition, mindfulness, positive relationships, giving back to the community, financial wellbeing). It also includes good people management, optimising energy, and promoting self awareness and good communication.
  • Awareness-raising campaigns, company-wide pledges, engaging your leaders, digital resources and ongoing support. 
  • Mental health awareness training to educate and promote understanding of mental health and mental illness, reduce stigma and create a culture of openness and inclusivity. We have different training courses to cater for different groups, whether this is an all-employee one or two hour awareness session, half-day or full-day training for line managers, or the two-day Mental Health First Aid course for mental health champions. We work closely with our clients to ensure the training meets their needs, and also offer refresher sessions to ensure learning continues to be embedded after the initial training.
  • Talks, workshops, webinars and courses for employees to learn good practices for self care, as well as promoting good mental wellbeing and an understanding of mental illness. 
  • Personal stress assessments and HRV tech-based solutions e.g. Firstbeat lifestyle assessments or Heart Math technology.

The Kamwell Mental Health Model


Our Mental Health Model provides a comprehensive, integrated and practical approach towards promoting mental wellbeing in the workplace and creating a culture of acceptance where employees feel able to speak up and seek the support they need.